I was looking for the best budget motorcycle handlebar phone mount for my TaoTao TBR7 dual-sport motorcycle, and I came up with this best budge motorcycle handlebar phone mount for under $20.
Now I found lots of motorcycle phone mounts, but they were very high priced for an item I figured was just a simple solution to my problem. I couldn’t see if my kids texted me when riding my motorcycle.
My planned uses for this motorcycle cellphone mount have increased, such as map navigator when I’m riding my motorcycle for longer distances than what I do now.
FAQ: Can I Charge My Phone While Riding A Motorcycle?
I am still new at motorcycle riding, so I stay local, but sooner or later, I will be hitting some of the many trails that are some distance from my home. So finding this best budget motorcycle handlebar phone mount will help.
Author’s Notice: This page contains affiliate links, for which I may earn a commission by their use. Also, as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying Amazon purchases.
FYI, the handlebar cell phone holder I bought for my TaoTao TBR7 motorcycle:
Click For Current Cell Phone Holder Price
Online Choice For The Best Budget Motorcycle Handlebar Phone Mount I Could Find.
My choice in this mount had much to do with how I read the product page. Also, the online photos I looked at. Not to forget the being budge priced at less 20 dollars, making this so far the best budget motorcycle handlebar phone mount I bought.
However, this is the first time physically looking at the cellphone mount. Glad it got here so soon, so I didn’t lose my train of thought.
Today is just an unboxing post. If you want to read about what I was looking for in a motorcycle phone mount, check out this post: Best Budget Motorcycle Handlebar Phone Mount Under $20.
Best Budget Motorcycle Handlebar Phone Mount Unboxing!!!!
The phone mount came in a non-flashy box and looks suitable for what appears to be ordinary recyclable cardboard.
I opened the box, pulled all the phone mount parts out of their tiny plastic bags, and laid them out for viewing. It seems simple enough; the phone mount came with an instruction booklet with illustrations.
I do like instructions with pictures. 😀
The phone holder expands to accept phones of different sizes, and when it retracts, it holds the cellphone in the grooves along the outside edges. The tension is maintained with some spring force.
I was concerned that the spring might relax over time and my cellphone might pop out of the holder, and I found there was a manual lock on the back. You can see there is a lock and unlock image. This feature secures the locking mechanism without the need for a strong spring. Nice work.
I expanded the phone holder and engaged the lock to try out the manual phone lock. The expansion of the holder was maintained, and I gently pulled on the sides, and they did not move. I feel this is an excellent feature for riders’ peace of mind.
This is a budget version, so I am calling it the best budget motorcycle handlebar phone mount, I found.
No need to panic if I hit a bump in the road or do a killer dirt jump! I can now, “Send It!”. Just kidding, I am a wuss.
The phone holder’s handlebar attachment mount is pretty solid looking, with the ability to mount to handlebars of many different sizes.
There are these rubber inserts to spend the mounting surface of the handlebar to ensure an excellent secure mount. I wonder if I will forgo these rubber inserts and just wrap my handlebar with electrical tape. I’ll fill you in later on what I did.
One of the things I decided I needed was the ability to both angle the cellphone and rotate it. Angle it to avoid sun glare and turn it for a landscape view of any navigation maps I have open. This phone mount has an excellent ball joint, and I can look inside the ball and see a metal post embedded in the hard plastic.
Best Budget Motorcycle Handlebar Phone Mount Results
Nice, feeling happier, I picked up this motorcycle phone mount, especially for the real budget price. Did I mention it was under 20 bucks? 😉
The assembly of this motorcycle phone mount was easy. The phone holder ball joint has a locking ring that screws on and off, and the ball of the joint pops right in. A quick couple of turns of the locking ring and the ball joint tightens up almost solid.
I was thinking about using the thread-locker on the threads, something I do with all bolts/screws on the TBR7. However, I want to loosen later and tighten this locking ring so I can rotate and angle the phone as needed. So thread-locker idea was scrapped.
Now, this was just an unboxing post, and I will later post how I installed it and a possible product review post after I try the phone holder out more.
Best Budget Motorcycle Handlebar Phone Mount Review
Again, I bought this with my own money, and as a result, I believe I might have spent too much time on this reasonably cheap upgrade for my motorcycle and phone. Now no more stopping to fish out my cellphone to find out if I received any text messages.
A much safer option than distracted driving. Right?
Ride Safe, Ride Fun!
FYI: Once you get a cellphone holder on your motorcycle, you’ll be looking for ways to keep your phone charged, here’s what I did: How to Install a USB Phone Charger For A Motorcycle.
Click To See My Recommended
TBR7 Upgrades
Author’s Notice: This page contains affiliate links, for which I may earn a commission by their use. Also, as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying Amazon purchases.
Again, the motorcycle cellphone holder I picked up:
Click For Current Price
Hi I’m Tom, A New Motorcycle Rider and Blog Author.
I am a new motorcycle rider(Pa Motorcycle Learner’s Permit at the end of 2020, and I received a full M-Class Pa Motorcycle License in 2021, only after passing the Pa Motorcycle Safety Course).
I bought my first motorcycle, a TaoTao TBR7 (A Chinese Dual-sport motorcycle), at the beginning of 2021 and have been doing upgrades on that motorcycle since.
I added to my motorcycle collection by buying a Boom Vader Gen 2 motorcycle in 2022, and that little Grom-Clone bike has been upgraded by me as well.
I continue to ride my Boom Vader Gen 2 motorcycle as well as my TaoTao TBR7 dual-sport bike.
Read more on my About Me page.
Fun Fact: I’ve only been on one group ride.