Finally, Did The TBR7 Spark Plug Upgrade.

Another one of my upgrades for my TaoTao TBR7 Chinese Dual-sport motorcycle, a name-brand spark plug upgrade.

Why The TaoTao TBR7 Spark Plug Upgrade Is My First Upgrade.

Based on reading from motorcycle forums and basic web research, a spark plug upgrade is recommended for any TaoTao motorcycle. It seems the stock spark plug is a basic, short-life spark plug. The core is basic material design, which would have been standard in engines from years before car makers started adding platinum and iridium spark plugs.

Stock TBR7 Motorcycle spark plug.

You can find that iridium spark plugs are standard equipment with today’s automotive manufacturers. Why? It’s fuel economy and power, and I’ll cover what I found more later.

But why the first upgrade for my new motorcycle? It was easy. I ordered the new spark plug from Amazon, which was quickly here. And evener quicker being installed in the engine. Too easy an upgrade to pass on.

What Did I Upgrade The TBR7 Spark Plug To?

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Following the advice I found, I upgraded the TaoTao TBR7 spark plug to the NGK DPR8EIX-9 Iridium IX Spark Plug <= Click For Current Prices.

As in its name, it’s an iridium-based spark plug that offers benefits over the basic designed spark plug, even over platinum-based spark plugs.

What Was Wrong With The Stock TBR7 Spark Plug?

I use to buy basic spark plugs for my cars years ago when the exotic material spark plugs were very expensive. As I upgraded in the type of spark plugs (moving from copper core to platinum and then iridium), I noticed the lifespan of the spark plugs kept increasing.

As the car manufactures were being pressured to improve fuel economy, they started making better quality spark plugs standards and including iridium spark plugs as standard car equipment. So, I decided I wouldn’t settle for basic spark plugs, and I upgraded my older cars, and now I’m upgrading my TBR7 motorcycle. I’m looking for better fuel economy, which I believe means more energy output.

Simply put, my goal is more HORSEPOWER! 😀

NGK Iridium Spark Plugs Increase Horse Power?

When I look up information on NGK’s product web page, I found NGK advertises their IX version of iridium spark plugs with words like “Improved Throttle Response,” “Superior Anti-Fouling Performance,” and “High-Ignitability Performance.”

Sounds great, and who wouldn’t want this in their motorcycle’s spark plug? Makes Iridium spark plugs sound like the best motorcycle spark plugs.

I focused on the information that iridium has a high melting point and delivers improved acceleration.

Fuel economy is a selling point in my cars since compared to motorcycles; they get less. A motorcycle, depending on how you drive, it seems, naturally has a much higher fuel economy out of the box.

I’m not sure about measured horse power, but a general claim of improved acceleration means MORE POWER!

What Is Better, Iridium Or Platinum Spark Plugs?

I am again following some forum posts and spark plug manufacturers’ website information. NGK is a good source. Iridium is much harder than Platinum. This characteristic suggests a longer life span, a consistent spark gap, and high-temperature resistance for iridium spark plugs.

I am wondering if this means we can run the TBR7 much leaner than expected. The Cliche’ is “Lean is Mean.” And again, my goal is MORE POWER!

How Much Is It To Replace A Motorcycle Spark Plug?

Now I’m pretty sure I bought the NGK spark plug online, and it cost me about $12.

Can I Replace My Own TBR7 Motorcycle Spark Plug?

Yes. With a basic understanding of hand tools, motorcycle safety, and patience, changing a spark plug is a simple task.

FYI: Building My List of Must-Have Tools For Motorcycle Owners

How To Change The TBR7 Motorcycle’s Spark Plug.

1– The motorcycle is off, and the engine is cool(I let the motorcycle sit overnight after riding to ensure it’s thoroughly cooled off).

2– The motorcycle is on a stable surface.

FAQ: My Motorcycle Garage Safety Rules

3– Carefully pull off the spark plug boot. Check around the spark plug hole for any dirt/debris and clean as needed. Prevent foreign material from entering the engine.

FAQ: Grasp The Spark Plug Boot Instead Of Pulling The Spark Plug Wire

4– Using a spark plug socket, gently remove the spark plug, turning it counterclockwise. Once removed, Examine it for damage, color, and smell. This exam can tell you the condition of the combustion chamber(running lean, too rich, or too high temperature).

Place spark plug somewhere safe as a spare if ever needed.

Motorcycle Spark Plug removed with spark plug socket.

5– Prepare the new TBR7 spark plug.

New NGK DPR8EIX-9 Iridium IX Spark Plug with rounded tip out of box.
New TBR7 Spark Plug Comes with A rounded tip. Using the stock Spark Plug Boot, have to convert to thin post.

*- The TBR7 boot is designed for a screw-type top. If you have a rounded bullet top installed with needle-nose pliers, you can remove it by hand.  

New spark plug made ready for the TaoTao TBR7 motorcycle.

*- NGK Iridium spark plugs come pre-gapped and gap protected with a cardboard tube. Don’t regap unless you do something stupid like drop it. I dropped it. Although it was only a few inches, I found I had to regap it to be sure—big dummy.  

*- I put a very tiny amount of anti-seize compound on the threads, a very thin layer and far away from the insulator. I am hoping this will prevent galling in the future since removal and rechecking the spark plug is common practice, I am told.

6– Very gently, hand-screw the spark plug into the spark plug hole. I inserted it and turned it backwards(counterclockwise), feeling for a ‘skip’ for the thread and then forward (clockwise). With the anti-seize, it turned in smoothly. 


If you feel resistance, stop and reassess the spark plug installation.

For better grip, I used the spark plug socket but turned it with my fingertips. Once seated, I used the racket wrench, turning it about 1/8 a turn, or just snug.  

New spark plug upgrade for my TBR7 motorcycle.
Spark plug rounded tip removed, straight post visible, and stock TBR7 spark plug boot ready.


7– Some people suggested applying dielectric grease to the spark plug boot to keep it water-resistant. I skipped this step for now. I then snapped the boot back on the spark plug. You will hear a ‘snap’ or feel it when the boot is pushed fully onto the spark plug.  

8– Now test your work. Listen to the engine and listen/feel for any difference. Now this is subjective, but I do feel like the new NGK Iridium spark plug does increase horsepower. Like I said, ‘feel’. 😀

Is This Cheap TBR7 Spark Plug Upgrade Worth It?

Based on my own automotive experience with the durability of iridium spark plugs, I would say yes. Iridium spark plugs generally cost more than platinum spark plugs, which cost more than basic spark plugs.

However, in my automobiles, I saw longer life out of the iridium spark plugs. Even when I follow my auto manufacturer’s maintenance schedule, the plugs I pull out seem hardly worn.

As for the motorcycle, you know the TaoTao TBR7 motorcycle is air-cooled, so runs the engine runs hotter, and being a smaller motorcycle, the RPMs are much higher than expected from an regular sized automotive. So my car care experience might not actually apply here.

Since I do not have much experience with motorcycle iridium spark plugs, I avoided making this a product review, documenting my thinking process behind the spark plug change. I will do a product review of the spark plugs later. So, was it worth it? It was easy. The product is reputable. Sure. It was also pleasant to get a little dirty doing an upgrade on the TBR7.

I plan to do an honest product review of the NGK DPR8EIX-9 later, after many miles on the motorcycle. I am particularly looking at wear and tear on the spark plug and engine performance.

Ride Fun, Ride Safe!

Read my My TaoTao TBR7 Upgrades To-Do List.

Click To See My Recommended
TBR7 Upgrades

NGK Spark plug with round terminal.

Check for current prices:
NGK 2202 Iridium IX Spark Plug. Part# DPR8EIX-9

My TaoTao TBR7 motorcycle spark plug update. Not only was this spark plug upgrade a simple and cheap upgrade for my motorcycle, it inspired me to move twords upgrading the whole TBR7 motorcycle ignition system. You can read more about this in these posts:

Picture of me, as a New Motorcyclist.
Just Me…Newly Licensed.

Hi I’m Tom, A New Motorcycle Rider and Blog Author.

I am a new motorcycle rider(Pa Motorcycle Learner’s Permit at the end of 2020, and I received a full M-Class Pa Motorcycle License in 2021, only after passing the Pa Motorcycle Safety Course).

I bought my first motorcycle, a TaoTao TBR7 (A Chinese Dual-sport motorcycle), at the beginning of 2021 and have been doing upgrades on that motorcycle since.

I added to my motorcycle collection by buying a Boom Vader Gen 2 motorcycle in 2022, and that little Grom-Clone bike has been upgraded by me as well.

I continue to ride my Boom Vader Gen 2 motorcycle as well as my TaoTao TBR7 dual-sport bike.

Read more on my About Me page.

Fun Fact: I’ve only been on one group ride.

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